Our Story

How it all started ...

In 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, we were convicted that we needed gather together in-person (when most churches were closed).

We were called not to live in fear of the pandemic / virus / authorities but to trust in God and in Him alone. So, we started meeting at homes - worshipping God together passionately, eating meals together, loving each other, and praying for one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Holy Spirit was with us and moving in us - reminding us that this was what CHURCH was really meant to be - the people of God with the presence of God in their midst.

Just like in the wilderness, we were learning to live as a community with the presence of God in our midst. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)

Don't do Church -

With prayerful friends, we started to go out to Times Square, the heart of New York City, while the pandemic was raging. Looting and rioting were happening, and the murder rate was rising. We were praying and claiming our City for our God - for the peace and safety of our City.

We were praying early in the morning on Sundays with friends, and things were starting to shift. Even as the life was coming back to the City, many churches were still closed. Before, most non-Christians wouldn't usually set foot in a church. Now, there were no churches to set foot into.

We felt moved - if there were no churches open for those needing Jesus to encounter Him, we needed to bring the Church out to the public square. As we searched the Book of Acts, it was clear - they, too, met at homes AND at the Temple Mount.

In September 2020, we started to go out to Times Square to worship and evangelize. We have been at Times Square 2-3 Sundays every month since then.

Prepare the way of the LORD ...

During the First Great Awakening, there was a revival in New Brunswick, NJ.
In 1740, 7,000 + gathered on the banks of the Raritan River to hear George Whitefield preach.

During the Second Great Awakening, there was a revival here in New York City.
In 1857, thousands gathered for noontime prayer on Fulton Street (Financial District) repenting and seeking God.

We believe that our God is about to move in a great way in our City, our region and nation again.

So, New York City & Tri-State Area - Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Church, prepare the way of the LORD!